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ગુજરાત પબ્લિક સર્વિસ કમિશન (GPSC) ભરતી bharti for Various Posts

GPSC ભરતી 2023 વિવિધ જગ્યાઓ માટે 


ગુજરાત પબ્લિક સર્વિસ કમિશન (GPSC) વિવિધ જગ્યાઓ માટે 2023 ભરતી:-

ગુજરાત પબ્લિક સર્વિસ કમિશન (GPSC) દ્વારા તાજેતરમાં વિવિધ ખાલી જગ્યાઓ 2023 માટે જાહેરાત પ્રકાશિત કરી છે.લાયક ઉમેદવારો ગુજરાત પબ્લિક સર્વિસ કમિશન (GPSC) વિવિધ જગ્યાઓ માટે ભરતી 2023 માટે અરજી કરી શકે છે.આ પોસ્ટ માટે અરજી કરવા માટે લાયક ઉમેદવારોને સત્તાવાર જાહેરાતનો સંદર્ભ લેવાની સલાહ આપવામાં આવે છે,આ પોસ્ટ માટેની વિગતો જેવી કે શૈક્ષણિક લાયકાત, પસંદગી પ્રક્રિયા, અરજી ફી, વય મર્યાદા અને આ પોસ્ટ માટે કેવી રીતે અરજી કરવી તે નીચે આપેલ છે.

ગુજરાત પબ્લિક સર્વિસ કમિશન (GPSC) માં નોકરી શોધી રહેલા તમામ રસ ધરાવતા ઉમેદવારો માટે આ એક સારી તક છે. ત્યાં 23 જગ્યાઓ છે જે સંસ્થા દ્વારા ભરવામાં આવશે. આ પદ માટે અરજી કરતા પહેલા, ઉમેદવારોએ ખાતરી કરવી જોઈએ કે તે આ જાહેરાતમાં દર્શાવેલ પાત્રતા માપદંડો અને અન્ય શરતોને પૂર્ણ કરે છે.શૈક્ષણિક લાયકાત, વય માપદંડ, પસંદગી મોડ, મહત્વની તારીખ અને અન્ય પાત્રતા પ્રક્રિયા સંબંધિત વધુ માહિતી માટે કૃપા કરીને નીચેનો લેખ ધ્યાનથી વાંચો. અરજી કરતા પહેલા સત્તાવાર જાહેરાત પણ વિગતવાર વાંચવી આવશ્યક છે. આ પોસ્ટ માટે રસ ધરાવતા અને પાત્ર ઉમેદવારો 30-11-2023 ના રોજ અથવા તે પહેલાં નિર્ધારિત ફોર્મેટ (Job application)માં અરજી કરી શકે છે .નોંધણી માટેનો છેલ્લો દિવસ 30-11-2023 છે.

વધુ નવી નોકરીઓ અને અપડેટ્સ માટે https://gujueduhouse1.blogspot.com ની મુલાકાત લેતા રહો.

 👌 હાલમાં ચાલતી લેટેસ્ટ ભરતી જાહેરાતો


ખાલી પડેલા પદો વિશે વિગતો

જાહેરાત નંબર 66/2023-24 to 72/2023-24

સંસ્થાનું નામ: ગુજરાત પબ્લિક સર્વિસ કમિશન (GPSC)

કુલ ખાલી જગ્યા: 23 પોસ્ટ્સ


Superintendent of Fisheries (Technical), Class-II: 02

Assistant Director (Chemical Group), Class-I: 01

Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil), Class-III (GMC): 05

GeoHydrologist, Class-I (GWRDC): 03

Geologist, Class-II (GWRDC): 02

Scientific Officer, Class-II (Chemistry Group) (GWRDC): 09

Principal, Adarsh ​​Niwasi School, Class-II (GWRDC): 01

કોણ અરજી કરી શકે


Superintendent of Fisheries:

§  Graduate / Post Graduate.

§  3 to 5 years Experience.


(A) Possess

(i) a post Graduate degree in Fisheries Science or in Master degree in Science with one of the following principal subject namely (i) Fisheries Resource Management, (ii) Aquatic Biology

(iii) Mari Culture, (iv) Post Harvest Technology (v) Marine Science or (vi) Zoology or two year post graduate diploma in Fisheries Science obtained From any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India; or any other educational institute recognised as such or declared to be a deemed as University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; and

(ii) have about three years’ experience on the post not below the rank of Fisheries Officer

(General) Class III in Government Fisheries Department. or have about three years separate or combined experience of management of Fisheries or modem methods of preservation processing or marketing of fish in Government/ Local Bodies/ Government Undertaking/

Board/ Corporation/ Limited Company established by law in India/ Registered Organization on the post which can be considered equivalent to the aforesaid post of Fisheries Officer (General), Class III, or equivalent post in Government Fisheries Department.


(iii) a degree of Fisheries Science or Bachelor degree in Science with Fisheries Resource

Management or Zoology as principal subject obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India, or any other educational

Institution recognised as such or declared to be a deemed as University under section 3 of the

University Grants Commission Act, 1956; and

(iv) have about five years' experience on the post not below the rank of Fisheries Officer

(General), Class III, in Government Fisheries Department, or have about five years separate or combined experience of management of Fisheries or modem methods of preservation processing or marketing of fish in Government/ Local Bodies/ Government Undertaking/

Board/ Corporation/ Limited Company established by law in India/ Registered Organization on the post which can be considered equivalent to the aforesaid post of Fisheries Officer (General), Class III, or equivalent post in Government Fisheries Department.

(B) Possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.

(C) Possess the basic knowledge of computer Application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967.

Assistant Director (Chemical Group):

§  Ph.D / Post Graduate.

§  3 years Experience.


(b) (i) Possess a Ph.D. or M.Phil. degree in Chemistry / Bio-Chemistry / Forensic Science(with chemical Sciences) / Forensic Pharmacy / Pharmacy / Pharmacology / Forensic Nanotechnology obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under

the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognised as such

or declared to be deemed as University under section 3 of the University Grants

Commission Act, 1956; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the



(c) (i) possess a post-graduate degree with second class in Chemistry / Bio-Chemistry / Forensic Science(with chemical Sciences) / Forensic Pharmacy / Pharmacy / Pharmacology /

Forensic Nano-technology obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or

State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956;

or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Government;


(ii) have about three years’ experience on the post not below the rank of Scientific Assistant,

Class III, in the subordinate service of the Directorate of Forensic Science, Gujarat state, in

Chemistry or Toxicology or Prohibition Possession or Blood Alcohol or Narcotics or

Explosives divisions of the Forensic Science Laboratory;


(iii) have about three years’ experience of research or analytical work in the respective subject in the Government or Local bodies or Government undertaking Board or Corporation, or private analytical or Research Laboratory or Public Analytical or Research Laboratory or

Limited Company established under the Companies Act, 2013 or University or college on the post which can be considered equivalent to the post not below the rank of the Scientific

Assistant, Class III in the subordinate service of the Directorate of Forensic Science, Gujarat State.

 (d) Possess the basic knowledge of computer Application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967.

 (e) Possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.

Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil):

§  Diploma / BE-Tech Civil.

§  2 years Experience.


Possess a degree (B.E./B.Tech) in Civil Engineering of any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed university under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956;



diploma in Civil Engineering obtained from Technical Examination Board or any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed university under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and have at least two years experience in the field of Civil Engineering in Government or local bodies or Government undertaking board or corporation or limited company established under the companies Act, 1956;



§  Post Graduate.

§  5 years Experience.



(I) a post graduate degree in Geohydrology or in Geophysics or in applied Geophysics or in Geology or in applied Geology of any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed university under section 3 of the University Grants

Commission Act, 1956; and

(a) have atleast five years experience on the post not below the rank of Junior Geologist, or Junior Geophysicist, in the Gujarat

Water Resources Development Corporation Limited,


(b) have atleast five years combined or separate experience of the field of Geophysical Investigation related to Ground Water and Tubewell Projects or in the field of Engineering Geologist with specific reference to foundation work of dams, powerhouses and similar heavy structures bridges or of Geo

Hydrology related to Ground, Water Investigation and assessment including experience in formulating schemes on

Ground Water and Tube Well Projects in Government or in

Government undertaking board or corporation or in limited company established under the companies Act, 2013 on the post which can be considered as equivalent to the post not below the rank of Junior Geologist, or Junior Geophysicist, in the Gujarat Water Resources Development Corporation

Limited, or

(c) possess the basic knowledge of computer application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and

Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967, and

(d) possess the adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.



§  Post Graduate.

§  3 years Experience.


(a) a post graduate degree in Geology or in applied Geology from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed as a university under section 3 of the University Grants

Commission Act, 1956; and

(i) have about three years experience of the field of

Engineering Geologist with specific reference to foundation work of dams, powerhouses and similar heavy structures bridges or of Geo Hydrology related to Ground, Water Investigation and assessment including experience in formulating schemes of Ground Water and

Tube Well Projects in Government or Local bodies or in

Government Undertaking Board or Corporation or in

Limited company established under the Companies Act,

2013 or University or Non-Government organization on

the post which can be considered equivalent to the post

not below the rank of Junior Geologist, in the Gujarat

Water Resources Development Corporation Limited.

(b) possess the basic knowledge of computer application as

prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and

Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967, and

(c) possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.


Scientific Officer (Chemical Group):

§  B.Sc / M.sc.

§  2 years Experience.


(A) A post-graduate degree in Forensic Science (With Chemical Sciences) or Chemistry or BioChemistry or Forensic Pharmacy or Forensic Nano-technology or Pharmacy or

Pharmacology obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under

the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or

declared to be deemed as University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission

Act, 1956;


(B) A bachelor‟s degree with Forensic Science or Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry or Pharmacy or

Pharmacology as a principal subject obtained from any of the Universities established or

incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act India; or any other educational

institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as University under section 3 of the

University Grants Commission Act, 1956;


 (B1)have about two years‟ experience on the post not below the rank of Laboratory Technician,

 Class III, in the subordinate service of the Directorate of Forensic Science, Gujarat State in

 the respective group of sections/divisions of the Forensic Science Laboratory;


(B2) have about two years‟ experience of reseach or analytical work in the respective subject in

the Government or local bodies or Government Undertaking Board or corporation or Private

or Public sector laboratory or research institute or limited company established under the

Companies Act, 2013 or University or college on the post which can be considered

equivalent to the post not below the rank of the Laboratory Technician, Class III, in the

subordinate service of the Directorate of Forensic Science, Gujarat State;”

(C) possess the basic knowledge of computer application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil

Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967: and

 (D) possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.


Principal, Adarsh Nivasi Sala:

§  PG & B.Ed

§  5 years Experience.

(i) A Post graduate degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade B in the seven point scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the master degree level from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized by the Government as such or declared to be a deemed University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government; and (ii) A Bachelor degree in education with at least 60% of the marks or its equivalent grade B in the seven point scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the degree level from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized by the Government as such or declared to be a deemed University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government;


 (શૈક્ષણિક લાયકાતની વિગતો માટે કૃપા કરીને અધિકૃત સૂચના વાંચો.)

એપ્લિકેશન મોડ :ઓનલાઈન

ઉંમર મર્યાદા:

Superintendent of Fisheries (Technical), Class-II:

Not more than 40 years.

Assistant Director (Chemical Group), Class-I:

Not more than 40 years.


Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil), Class-III (GMC):

Not be less than 18 years and not be more than 35 years of age. Age will be Considered as on last date of online application.

GeoHydrologist, Class-I (GWRDC):

Not more than 42 years. (Age will be Considered as on last date of online application.)

Geologist, Class-II (GWRDC):

Not more than 40 years. (Age will be Considered as on last date of online application.)

Scientific Officer, Class-II (Chemistry Group) (GWRDC):

AGE: - Not more than 37 years.

Principal, Adarsh ​​Niwasi School, Class-II (GWRDC):

not more than 44 years. Age will be considered as on the last date of the receipt of application.

 (કૃપા કરીને ઉંમરમાં છૂટછાટ માટે અધિકૃત સૂચના ધ્યાનથી વાંચો)

સ્થળ:- ગુજરાત

પસંદગી પ્રક્રિયા:

ઉમેદવારોની પસંદગી નિયમો મુજબ થશે.


Superintendent of Fisheries (Technical), Class-II:

PAY SCALE: - Rs.44,900 – Rs.1,42,400.(Level-8)

Assistant Director (Chemical Group), Class-I:

PAY SCALE: - Rs.67,700– Rs.2,08,700.(Level-11)

Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil), Class-III (GMC):

Pay scale of Rs. 39,900-1,26,600/-(Fix Pay:03 YearsRs.49,600/-) Pay Matrix Level-7 in the GMC service

GeoHydrologist, Class-I (GWRDC):

Pay scale of Rs.67700/- 208700/- [Level-11] in the GWRDC service.

Geologist, Class-II (GWRDC):

Pay scale of Rs. 53100-167800/-[Level-09] in the GWRDC service

Scientific Officer, Class-II (Chemistry Group) (GWRDC):

PAY SCALE: - Rs. 44,900 – Rs. 1, 42,400 (Level-8)

Principal, Adarsh ​​Niwasi School, Class-II (GWRDC): 01

PAY: - As per 7th Pay Commission in Matrix Level-8 Salary Rs. 44900- 142400 (As per 6 th Pay Commission Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay 4600)


કેવી રીતે અરજી કરવી?

રસ ધરાવતા અને લાયક ઉમેદવારો ઑનલાઇન અધિકૃત વેબસાઇટ અરજી કરી શકે છે.

મહત્વપૂર્ણ તારીખ

પ્રારંભ તારીખ: 08-11-2023

છેલ્લી તારીખ: 30-11-2023


મહત્વપૂર્ણ Links

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  નોંધ:  ઉમેદવારોને સૂચવવામાં આવે છે કે કૃપા કરીને હંમેશા એકવાર ઉપરોક્ત વિગતોની સત્તાવાર વેબસાઇટ તપાસો.

વધુ નવી નોકરીઓ અને ભરતી માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો




 રોજગાર સમાચાર ગુજરાત( Employment News Gujarat) : અહી ક્લિક કરો
પ્રવેશપત્ર(call letter) એડમિટ કાર્ડ : અહી ક્લિક કરો
આનસર કી (Answer key) : અહી ક્લિક કરો
પરિણામ(Result) : અહી ક્લિક કરો

 આ પણ વાંચો :

હાલમાં ચાલતી લેટેસ્ટ ભરતી જાહેરાતો

 જીલ્લા પંચાયત અમદાવાદ આંગણવાડી ભરતી202330n

જીલ્લા પંચાયત વડોદરા આંગણવાડી ભરતી202330n

 જીલ્લા પંચાયત નવસારી આંગણવાડી ભરતી202330n

જીલ્લા પંચાયત તાપી આંગણવાડી ભરતી202330n

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 જીલ્લા પંચાયત સુરેન્દ્રનગર આંગણવાડી ભરતી202330n

 ઇન્ડિયન ઓવરસીઝ બેંક ભરતી202319n

રાજકોટ નાગરિક સહકારી બેંક લિ. (RNSBL)ભરતી20239n

જીલ્લા પંચાયત સુરત આંગણવાડી ભરતી202330n

જીલ્લા પંચાયત પાટણ આંગણવાડી ભરતી 202330n 

જીલ્લા પંચાયત પંચમહાલ આંગણવાડી ભરતી202330n 

 BMC આંગણવાડી કાર્યકર અને હેલ્પર ભરતી 202330n

 હોમગાર્ડ ભરતી202310n

ગુજરાત ઇન્ફોર્મેટિક્સ લિમિટેડ (GIL) ભરતી2023 22n

ગુજરાત ઉર્જા વિકાસ નિગમ લિમિટેડ GUVNL ભરતી202324n 

ગુજરાત (GUJCOST) ભરતી202321n

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 વેસ્ટર્ન રેલ્વે (WR) (RRC)  ભરતી202312d

 સ્ટેટ બેંક ઓફ ઈન્ડિયા ભરતીનોડલ ઓફિસર202324n

 CTET જાન્યુઆરી ઓનલાઇન ફોર્મ202323n

વડોદરા મ્યુનિસિપલ કોર્પોરેશન ભરતી202316n

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